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Waseefa Tarver


Motivational Speaker

Transitional Coach

Waseefa Tarver is the author of "I Cried for Nikki", Motivational Speaker and Transitional Coach. Overcoming her own turbulent past gave her the intense passion to help other women who like her survive seemly live to tell obstacles. From her experience she delivers keys and application on how to detox yourself from the heavy baggage of your past and how not to replace the baggage with sand bags.

Waseefa Tarver life can give any woman hope, inspiration and motivation to fly out of their nest so she can feel the weight of her own wings to courageously soar high. Her childhood was one of rape, molestation, physical abuse, suicide attempts, mental institutions, foster homes and numerous arrests.

A high school dropout, at the delicate age of twenty four she was given a prison sentence that claimed the next twelve years of her life, during those twelve years while sitting in solitary confinement , she heard her name being called from a cell across from her, she witnessed her former roommate yelling at her saying Nikki we can’t live like this they are treating us like animals, don’t be like me and from there she tied a sheet around her neck and continued to flush the toilet until she was unconscious. The next day Waseefa received the news that Linda suicide attempt was successful. Her words haunted Wassefa; she wished she could have saved her being that was impossible she made a conscious decision to save herself. In prison she earned her GED and Microsoft Office Certifications and there her speaking platform began speaking to women on self development and transformation, she was a walking epitome of this.

Released, she has remained committed to transition and transformation empowering others that with consciousness, consisentency, and application of authentic information you can heal, overcome and discover your purpose and confidently walk into it.

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